Monday 3 October 2011

Woman in White: update.

So Tumi the possible Producer gave me lots of feedback, some of which i ignored, because answering those would have given away what/who the woman in white is, something i don't want to do. For me the Woman in White's identity is up to the viewer. There is a specific reason for her being there, but i want to see what other people make of it, if anything.

Of course if the film is made then then a short time after release i'll explain what/who she is and why she is there. But not until after. I'll even explain how i had the idea because like Tumi said in his feedback;
"Overall, this is a very intriguing concept and appears to me to draw from the ring, others with Nicole Kidman albeit from a different perspective and even, dare I say, Blair Witch in some respect but mostly - Paranormal Activity."
I'm sure that others will draw the same conclusions, which won't be to much of a surprise to be honest, even i thought about it. But there is something that gave me the idea, dramatised as it is, but this idea did come from some where, the films Tumi mentions may have influenced where the idea came from, but there are not where the idea came from. Which shall be explained later.

And so after reading through Tumi's feedback, which was extensive, and a chat with a friend, who said "producers can and often do mess up screenplays with their ideas" I guess the over all consensus is that producers do not work from a creative stand point, but instead need things explained to them, if the producer doesn't understand whats going on then how would anyone else or how could he then work on the project if he doesn't get it.

I took some ideas, ones i thought were good suggestion, in fact, everything he said about the two main characters i was able to fix by adding only a few lines of action and not impacting on the overall script, i few minor detail changes later and i'm at the end of a third draft, which i'll be putting out there tonight.

Anne and Scott will get a copy, but i want at least 4 or 5 others to read it and give feedback. What i'm looking for is more perspectives on what you think might be wrong with it, or things you didn't get or full understand.

Using your feedback, or not, i'll get what ever comes of it out to Tumi, i mean it could be Draft 3 or Draft 4, depending on what i get back, and when. I'll also be uploading the script to Stage32 and ask for a producer. Tumi of course gets first refusal.

Well, thats where i am right now.

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